Elmore County
Search & Rescue

... We are a group of volunteers who donate our time and equipment to help those who may be in trouble. We search for lost and missing persons and provide outdoor safety education. There are no paid employees in ECSAR, everyone donates their skills and time.
Although Elmore County Search and Rescue (ECSAR) was initially founded in the 1970’s, the group that exists today was formed in 1994 under the direction of the Elmore County Sheriff. ECSAR operates under the direction of the Sheriff and we serve at his will.

The goal of Search and Rescue (SAR) is to locate, stabilize and extract individuals in distress. That can mean a hiker on the side of a mountain, a sailor lost at sea, or a trapped disaster survivor. Each area of SAR employs techniques specific to the circumstance. From FEMA to county sheriff departments, expert technicians to local volunteers -- SAR teams do important work all over the world every day.
Although Elmore County Search and Rescue (ECSAR) was initially founded in the 1970’s. The group that exists today was formed in 1994 under the direction of the Elmore County Sheriff. ECSAR operates under the direction of the Sheriff and we serve at his will. ECSAR operates within the boundaries of Elmore County which is nearly 4000 square miles.ECSAR may assist other search and rescue units outside of Elmore County with the permission of the Sheriff.
ECSAR may not at anytime self-dispatch, train, or operate in any rescue capacity without the permission of the Elmore County Sheriff. ECSAR is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, in association with the Idaho State Search and Rescue Association.